I'm not a stylist...

I'm not a stylist...I'm not a fashion designer. I'm a regular professional woman who just so happens to be fly lol ;)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bienvenidos Everyone to Sophistafunkh

Welcome to Sophistafunkh!

What is Sophistafunkh? It is a beautiful fusion of sophistication and femininity with a splash of funk.  It's the way I flow.  I am a fan of being feminine.  I love being dainty. I love all things girly.  What does it mean to be Sophistafunkh’d?  More than anything it's an attitude manifested through clothing and style.  Although some days it’s all feminine sophistication and others days its completely funky and fresh, Sophistafunkh is my statement style, my signature if you will. I absolutely love to combine the two and can't wait to share fabulous finds as well as my daily/weekly styles!

I don’t limit myself when it comes to the way I dress.  Although I do have a signature style, I wear what I like, BOTTOM LINE. If I want to be sporty for the day, I do it.  There are some who theorize that you should pick one or two styles at the most and stick with it.  They say doing this is cost effective and you relinquish the frustration of having too many styles that don’t come together and clutter up your closet with things you will never wear.        Run-on sentence I know but just flow with me :)

I don’t think this way lol!

This isn't a blog about hard and fast rules of what to do and what not to do.  This is a blog about embracing our freedom and creativity through style.

One accessory I never leave the house without is my CONFIDENCE.  Confidence is key.  If you feel comfortable and think you look good, then YOU DO!  Plain and Simple.

I hope you guys enjoy and join me on this journey of self-expression and creativity.